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If e-tolls are scrapped, fuel will become even pricier, warns Mantashe

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe warned that if e-tolls were scrapped, South Africans will pay even more in fuel levies. E-tolling was first introduced by government in 2011 as a means to fund the R17.9 billion Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project. But it has been thwarted by low compliance and large-scale civil disobedience. Speaking on the sidelines of South Africa’s bilateral talks with Nigeria, in that country, he said…

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DMRE: ‘petrol price increase was wrong’

While the petrol price still went up yesterday, it was by 75c per litre, and not 81c as the department of mineral resources and energy (DMRE) incorrectly stated this week. “The six cents difference is due to the fact that the adjustment of wages for service station workers had already been implemented in September 2021,” the department said in a statement yesterday morning. “Although it is for the very first…

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Rising fuel prices heighten SA inflation, growth risks

Inflationary pressures are ramping up in South Africa following a series of fuel price increases. The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy on Wednesday announced the ninth monthly jump in the regulated gasoline price this year, taking the total increase for 2021 to 40%. The country imports most of its fuel, which accounts for almost 5% of the inflation basket. Annual consumer-price growth was 5% in October, unchanged from the…

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Government got the fuel price wrong – and its explanation doesn’t quite add up

The department of mineral resources and energy on Wednesday revised the official petrol price downwards by 6c. It said it had made a mistake in the margin paid to retailers, incorrectly factoring in a wage increase for service staff. But its documents show that accounted for only 5.7c of the mistake. The rest came from a quiet adjustment to the basic fuel price, the objective, audited number that makes up…

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Petrol price increase was wrong, energy dept admits

While the petrol price still went up on Wednesday, it was by 75c per litre, and not 81c as the department of mineral resources and energy (DMRE) incorrectly stated this week. "The 6 cents difference is due to the fact that the adjustment of wages for service station workers had already been implemented in September 2021," the department said in a statement on Wednesday morning. "Although it is for the…

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Petrol is now R20.29 per litre in Gauteng – and 31% of that goes to taxes

The price of petrol – for 95-octane in Gauteng – is increasing by 75c per litre to R20.29 for December. 31% of that goes to various taxes, mostly the general fuel levy and funding for the Road Accident Fund. The actual basic fuel price, without those taxes, the cost of distribution, and margins for retailers and wholesalers, is R9.74. Here is what goes into the fuel price for December 2021. For…

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