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WATCH | Fuel for your day: Petrol Pump Oracle gets new owners, but chalkboard wisdom to remain

WATCH | Fuel for your day: Petrol Pump Oracle gets new owners, but chalkboard wisdom to remain The Petrol Pump Oracle, a legendary chalkboard outside a Johannesburg filling station, will have new owners. Former owner Alison Purchase is parting ways with the petrol station - and the board. Purchase said the new owners are expected to continue with the tradition. If you live or work in or around Hyde Park…

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The South African state wants to buy its own oil tanker – and a fleet of other ships

The department of transport wants to create a new state-owned enterprise, the South African Shipping Company. It would own at least one oil tanker, at least one chemical tanker, and a small fleet of other vessels. SASCO would be "the preferred national shipping carrier", and would operate its own warehouses and refuelling operations at sea. Under an existing policy, it would also have preferential access to SA ports. For more stories, go…

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