Earlier in August, we published data by Lightstone Auto, revealing how the service station industry continues to evolve in a demanding local environment.

Lightstone’s data reports that the average motorist stops at a service station approximately nine times per month, typically covering 220km between stops.

We asked readers how they felt about service stations in SA and our homepage poll garnered more than 11 000 votes. Sadly, 50% believe that fuel is expensive and goods at filling stations are overpriced. Interestingly, 15% wish they could fill-up their car themselves and 32% believe filling stations to be “convenient places to fill-up and shop”.

READ: Fuel price outlook | Rand weighs heavily on fuel picture – AA

Reader Frank J says: “I would like to thank you for your interesting article on service stations. I think that in South Africa service stations are welcome safe havens as well as highly-convenient places where one can obtain fuel. They also offer for free toilet facilities, Convenience shop facilities and food shopping facilities A place just to park and be safe. A 24 hour service for free. The quality and service in South Africa is the highest in the world.”
