f you’re living in South Africa you know the petrol struggle is real and it has probably affected you in some way, whether you drive or use public transport.

But if you drive, here are a few hacks that will save you petrol and lighten the dent in your pocket.

Fill up early in the morning or late at night.

Experts say petroleum products expand when they are warm, so due to the expansion you end up with a lesser percentage of petrol for the money you’ve paid if you’re filling up in the afternoon or during the day. In the mornings, however, when the temperature is cooler petrol is denser, irrespective of whether it’s in liquid form or gas, experts say.

“Fuel is dense when cold so when you fill up in the mornings the fuel has been cool for 8-9 hours. Even in case of CNG (compressed natural gas) you would get better pressure of the fuel,” auto expert Tutu Dhawan says.

Try carpooling

Carpooling or ride-sharing is when more people use one vehicle to travel to the same or a similar destination. This reduces each person’s travel costs such as: petrol, tolls, and the stress of driving.

Carpooling is also a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduces air pollution, carbon emissions, traffic congestion on the roads, and the need for parking. So find someone who travels a similar route to yours and try it out!

Consider a petrol-friendly car

There are certain car makes and brands that use up a lot of petrol, avoid those cars if saving money is important to you. Rather do some research on petrol-saving cars and consider those for purchase. If you have both types of cars, rather use the one that’s light on petrol for everyday travels.

Service your car regularly

Check your air filter if it’s dirty, you need to sort that out ASAP. A clean air filter results in improved gas mileage, better acceleration, increased engine life, lower emissions and overall improved engine performance.

Tighten a lose petrol cap

If your petrol cap is loose, tighten it! If you’re dealing with a loose seal on your fuel cap, your petrol could be evaporating. And with prices on the rise, that’s the last thing you want. Additionally, any opening to the petrol tank allows hydrocarbons to vent into the atmosphere. This is a health as well as environmental concern.

Happy saving!
