Over 81 000 South Africans have signed the Fight Against High Fuel Prices online petition following numerous fuel increases in the country.

Frustrated motorist Jerome Paulse started the petition, to Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, three months ago.

Paulse said it was ridiculous for motorists to pay this much for fuel.

“South Africa’s fuel price has reached the R20 per litre mark. So many of us are living on the edge financially. It becomes more and more expensive for us to live our normal daily lives. Let’s stand together against the high fuel prices,” said Paulse.

South Africa’s fuel price nightmare continued unabated, following recent news from the Department of Energy that both grades of petrol will increase in price by R1.46 per litre from Wednesday, while diesel will go up by between R1.44 and R1.48.

To make matters worse, there is no sign of relief ahead as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is threatening to send international oil prices spiraling further.

According to consumer specialist Ina Wilken, “The skyrocketing fuel price is a serious threat to stability in a society already punch-drunk from economic hardships and Covid-19. Consumers just can’t afford it anymore. Consumers have had enough… Before it gets out of hand the government must come to the fore and tell us what they are going to do”.

By Wednesday morning, the petition was trending on Twitter, and had well over 81 000 signatures already and the number was growing every minute. The target is to reach 150 000 signatures, which will make the fuel price petition one of the top signed on Change.org


Over 81 000 signatures on petition to fight high fuel prices | Witness (news24.com)