The economic uncertainty brought about by global factors has had a significant impact on South African households. One of the results of this economic uncertainty is the impact it has had on global oil prices and subsequently, the price that consumers pay to put fuel in their vehicles or buy paraffin for household use.

Fuel is an essential part of our daily lives which enables us to commute daily, travel long distances and prepare food using paraffin stoves etc. In 2022, South African consumers experienced several fuel hikes, and despite measures taken by the government to ease the burden on consumers, the recent hikes have forced households to reassess how much fuel they consume.

In September, Central Energy Fund (CEF) announced a decrease in the price of petrol both 93 and 95 Octane as well as paraffin and diesel. It also launched ReseGo, South Africa’s fuel buddy who drives public conversation about the importance of being fuel savvy, in partnership with the DMRE.

As consumers continue to navigate the impact of the changes in fuel prices, the DMRE and CEF have embarked on an educational campaign to encourage households to be fuel savvy by adopting fuel-efficient habits.

Here are some tips and tricks on how consumers can become fuel savvy on the road:


  • Conduct regular vehicle maintenance. To ensure that your car saves on fuel consumption make sure that it is serviced and maintain regularly.
  • Use the correct engine oil. Compromising the oil quality for your car could have an impact on how much fuel your vehicle consumes.
  • Regularly check your tyre pressure. Vehicle owners must check their tyre pressure approximately every two weeks and ensure that their vehicle has proper wheel alignment.
  • When driving at high speeds, close the windows and switch on the air-conditioning.
  • Avoid using the cruise control feature. Avoid using the cruise control feature on curvy or steep roads as this may lead to more fuel consumption.
  • Avoid carrying unnecessary loads. If possible, avoid carrying items such as boxes and extra luggage as this may increase consumption. Remove things such as trailers, boxes and transport racks if they are not in use. Such items increase wind resistance and the overall weight of the vehicle.
  •  Open windows when driving slowly. When driving at slow speeds, be sure to open the windows and switch off the air-conditioner.
  • Switch off your engine when waiting in a queue or in traffic. Idling in traffic may lead to more fuel consumption. Switch off your vehicle when waiting in traffic for a long period.
  • Check the condition of the car battery. If your battery has faults or leaks, this may lead to more fuel consumption.
  • Avoid peak traffic hours. As a commuter, if possible, avoid travelling during peak traffic hours in the morning and late afternoon.
  • Choose high-quality fuel. The quality of fuel that you choose for your vehicle also impacts fuel efficiency. E.g., opting for 95 Octane instead of 93 octane fuel.
  • Stick within the speed limit. Sticking within the stated speed limits on the road will help you to contain your use of fuel. Maintaining the speed limit will help you to avoid accelerating or braking too fast.

Saving fuel in the home

The use of paraffin is common in many households that may not have access to electricity supply. Here are a few tips on how you can save fuel in the household:

  • When cooking, turn down the heat as soon as the food starts to boil.
  • Soak some of the food such as beans etc., before cooking. That way the food can cook quickly.
  • Make sure the burner or stove is clean.
  • Frozen food must reach room temperature before you cook it.

Where to find ReseGo:

Twitter: @ResegoFuelBuddy

Facebook: @Resegofuelbuddy

LinkedIn: Resego Fuel Buddy

This post and content is sponsored, written and provided by Central Energy Fund.


Tips and Tricks: How to become fuel-savvy on the road and at home | News24